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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Sugar City elk a concern for motorists

| idfg-jbrower

A herd of about 70 elk moved out of Teton Canyon Jan. 20 and ended up near Sugar City close the junction of Highway 20 and Highway 33, raising safety concerns for passing motorists. 

During the night on Tuesday, the herd splintered and approximately 20 crossed to the west side of the… more

Enroll in the Access YES! program to expand hunting opportunities in the Clearwater

| idfg-jbruns

The clearwater region of Idaho Fish and Game is seeking to enroll new properties in the Access Yes Program to expand hunting/fishing opportunities throughout the region. Access Yes! is a program designed to improve hunting/fishing access on private land or increase access to public land if private landholdings limit… more

Enroll in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) to enhance upland game bird habitat

| idfg-jbruns

The Clearwater region of Idaho Fish and Game works with the Natural Resources and Conservation Service (NRCS) and USDA-Farm Services Agency to create habitat for upland game birds through the Conservation Reserve Program (known by many as CRP). The general sign-up period for CRP is currently open and runs until… more

Southwest Region Rainbow Trout Stocking Schedule - February

| Anonymous (not verified)

Personnel from Fish and Game's Nampa Hatcheries will be releasing more than 8,800 catchable-sized rainbow trout at the following locations during February.


Boise River - above Glenwood Bridge      February 17      720

Boise River - below Glenwood… more

Newly constructed Hammett access site now open to hunters and anglers

| idfg-tthompson

Fish and Game managers recently announced the opening of the new Hammett access site, directly south of the community of Hammett. Funding for this new construction was made possible by “Price Lock” legislation that included provisions to dedicate funds to develop more hunting and fishing access sites across Idaho. New… more

Join the McCall Heartland Chapter!

| idfg-sfocht

Click on the blue title above


McCall Heartland Chapter flyer-information-click here 

Press Release about McCall Heartland Chapter-click here

F&G collaring mule deer bucks to get a better look at long-term survival

| idfg-bpearson

Fish and Game researchers want to learn more about mule deer buck survival during hunting seasons, including how the season structure, and hunter access and habitat types affect buck survival. Biologists are using specially designed GPS collars and ear tags to help answer those questions, and collars are being placed… more

Living near wildlife has its rewards, challenges

| idfg-scassinelli

Urban wildlife is all around us in Idaho, and seeing a deer in a local park, raccoon tracks in the snow, or a hawk in the backyard can be fascinating and educational. Learn how to be a responsible wildlife watcher and neighbor in this month’s Wildlife Express.

Urban Wildlife - January 2020 – [… more

Hunter and trapper education instructors needed in the Magic Valley

| idfg-tthompson

Are you a safe and responsible hunter or trapper? Are you passionate about hunting and trapping ethics? Do you want to share your passion, knowledge and skills with youth and adults new to Idaho’s hunting and trapping traditions? If so, consider yourself invited to  become a volunteer hunter or trapper education… more

Lake Cascade/Horsethief Ice and Access Conditions Update - January 16, 2020

| idfg-pjanssen

Lake Cascade Update

As of today (Jan 16) ice thickness is around 6.5 inches in front of Van Wyck (ID Parks and Rec.) boat ramp in Cascade, with about a foot of snow and/or snow and slush on top . A couple hundred yards from the shoreline, slush conditions improve, but travel is still difficult.

In… more

Panhandle instructor-led hunter education classes scheduled for early 2020

| Anonymous (not verified)

Prospective hunters looking to get certified in hunter/bowhunter education have several options around the Panhandle Region Jan. through May 2020. Visit Fish & Game's hunter education website at to browse classes and get registered.

Courses cost $9.75 to register online or $8… more

Winter weather so far has not prompted the need for emergency big game feeding

| idfg-rphillips

When big snowstorms roll through Idaho, people often wonder if Idaho Fish and Game will start feeding deer, elk, pronghorn and other animals. The short answer is that this is a normal winter so far, and the department usually only feeds big game during extreme winter conditions, or when other factors prompt it.  … more

Opportunity for public comment on Nez Perce-Clearwater Forest plan

| idfg-jbruns

The Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest with the assistance of Idaho Fish and Game and various agency staff have been working on updating the future forest management direction. The draft revised forest plan and environmental impact statement (DEIS) is now available for public comment. 

We… more

Windows to Wildlife: Bees to Bears, Idaho Birding Trail, and more

| idfg-scassinelli

As winters get shorter and summers are hotter and drier, it's getting tougher for wildlife to find suitable habitat during different stages of the year. The Idaho Panhandle Bees to Bears Climate Adaptation Project aims to restore 250 acres of forested habitat to help certain species adapt to climate change. Learn… more

Fish and Game Commission to meet Jan. 22-23 in Boise

| idfg-bpearson

The Fish and Game Commission will hold its annual meeting Jan. 22-23 with the public hearing starting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22 in the main auditorium at St. Luke's Plaza, 720 E. Park Blvd. in Boise. People can address the commission on any matters related to Fish and Game at that time.

The meeting will… more

Water Levels Restored at Birding Island Ponds

| Anonymous (not verified)

Water is once again flowing to the pond complex at the Birding Island segment of Payette River WMA, thanks to some ingenuity by WMA manager Steve Dempsey.

The control structure and motor are in place, but additional parts to operate the motor remotely remain on order. While the wait continues, Dempsey "… more

F&G again uses non-lethal means to force mountain lion to leave Ketchum backyard

| idfg-tthompson

On Friday January 10, officers were once again notified by a Ketchum homeowner that a mountain lion that had been hazed the day before, had returned. Responding officers found the large male lion bedded in the same location as found on January 9. After assessing the situation, the officers again fired several shotgun… more

See proposed changes for the 2020-21 Upland Game, Turkey and Furbearer seasons and rules

| idfg-rphillips

Fish and Game Commissioners are scheduled to set the 2020-21 Upland Game, Turkey and Furbearer seasons and rules Jan. 23 during the commission's regular meeting in Boise. Hunters and other interested parties can also address the commission about these proposals, along with any other matters pertaining to Fish and Game… more