The Idaho Department of Fish and Game with input from the Southeast Region Winter Feeding Advisory Committee (WFAC) initiated the feeding of deer and elk at multiple locations in the Southeast Region beginning in early February.
In the last week, warmer temperatures have caused some rapid changes in winter conditions in certain areas of the region. Feeding has ceased at some feed sites that are no longer accessible due to poor travel conditions and where animals have begun moving to open ground at higher elevations. Other feed sites that are still being used by a significant number of big game animals remain operational.
Idaho Fish and Game sincerely thanks those local, state, federal, and county agencies as well as private landowners and volunteers that have provided assistance with these authorized feeding operations this winter.
Idaho Fish and Game has been meeting regularly with the WFAC to monitor winter conditions and address winter-feeding actions. The next and likely final meeting of this winter season is scheduled for April 25.
Outdoor recreationists are reminded that springtime is still hard on big game. Fat reserves are depleted, making animals vulnerable when pushed. Please give them their space while enjoying your springtime adventures. And, if hiking with dogs, remember it is unlawful to allow your dogs to harass or chase big game.
Please note that Tex Creek, Georgetown, and Montpelier WMAs remain closed until further notice.