For maintenance reasons, the east Idaho Fish and Game access road and parking lot at Winchester Lake Dam will be closed to vehicle and foot traffic from Monday April 15 to April 25. During this period, the east access road and parking lot will be rebuilt with a new compacted gravel surface. Immediately after, surveys will occur in and around the dam to help us better understand where water is leaking. While this survey is occurring (April 22 – 25), there will be buoys placed in the lake by the dam showing where boats should not go to ensure test equipment is not damaged and the survey is not interrupted. Fish and Game apologizes for this short-term inconvenience; however, these operations will improve access and help devise a cost-effect strategy to improve the integrity of the dam. For further information or concerns, contact Kevin Jones at the Clearwater Regional Office (208-799-5010).

Winchester Lake temporary F&G access closure
Winchester State Park side of lake will still be open and accessible