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Idaho Fish and Game


Tex Creek, Montpelier, and Georgetown Wildlife Management Areas open up to public entry


As of May 15, the WMA human entry closures have been lifted

Tex Creek, Montpelier, and Georgetown Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) managed by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game are once again open to public entry beginning May 15, 2023.  Human entry closures were enacted at these locations in late winter to protect wintering wildlife. As conditions have improved, the human entry closures are no longer necessary. 

Even though the snow has retreated and the grass is turning green, we would like to remind hunters and other outdoor recreationists that springtime is still hard on big game, especially after a severe winter.  Their fat reserves are depleted, making animals vulnerable when disturbed.

Please give wildlife its space while enjoying your springtime adventures. Respect all public land and trail closures that may still be in place.  And, if hiking with dogs, remember it is unlawful to allow your dogs to harass or chase big game.