One interesting new technology we have is now that some people are electronically tagging their fish on their phone, I can look at this information when it is uploaded. Based on this information, I can tell you that more people have e-tagged fish in the Clearwater River today than any other day of the year. Interestingly, it appears there wasn’t much of an early morning bite today as the earliest fish was e-tagged at 7:48 am. After that, it appears it got hot! It just goes to show you, don’t give up if don’t catch them right away.
Rapid River Run Fishery
We estimate that two fish were harvested last week in the Rapid River Run fishery – one from Section 3 in the lower Salmon River (Time Zone Bridge to Shorts Creek) and one in the Little Salmon River. I suspect the reason we didn’t observe any fish being harvested in sections 1 or 2 of the lower Salmon River (downstream of Time Zone Bridge) is because the river turned brown on Friday and was full of debris. River conditions are good right now, so I expect sections 1 and 2 of the lower Salmon River to provide good fishing this week after it opens on Thursday.
Hells Canyon Fishery
For the second week in a row, the best catch rates were observed in the Hells Canyon fishery just downstream of the dam (14 hrs/fish). We estimated that 75 adults and 8 jacks were harvested last week. Fishing should continue to improve below the dam as trapping will not occur for at least one more week.