Spring brings lots back to life after a cold, dark winter, including grizzly bears. Idaho Fish and Game Staff in the Panhandle Region have recently confirmed the presence of grizzly bears in areas of GMUs 3 and 4A.

Reminder that grizzly bears can frequent any game management unit in the Panhandle and Eastern Idaho
Recent grizzly bear activity in game management units 3 and 4A are a reminder that grizzlies can occupy any GMU in the Panhandle and Eastern Idaho

Although grizzly bears are most commonly observed in the Cabinet and Selkirk mountain ranges in GMU 1, they have also been infrequently observed in units 2, 3, 4, 4A, 6, 7 and 9 in the Panhandle. Grizzly bears are also commonly found in much of Idaho’s Upper Snake Region in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and people should expect to encounter them in units 60, 61, 62, 62A, 65, 67 and parts of 64. Black bears, on the other hand, are common throughout all GMUs in the Panhandle and across the state.
With spring and summer in full swing in most of the state, now is a prefect time for some basic bear awareness reminders – both while recreating in the woods and while living in close proximity to bears. Read on for some helpful tips on both fronts.
Tips for safely recreating in bear country
- Carry bear spray and keep it accessible and within reach.
- Hunt with partners and make each other aware of plans.
- Look for grizzly bear sign, including fresh tracks, scats, digs and carcasses or gut piles.
- Be sure of your target before shooting a bear.
- Retrieve game meat as quickly as possible and approach the carcass carefully and loudly.
- Hang meat, food and garbage at least 200 yards from camp, 10 feet off the ground and 4 feet from the vertical support.
- When not hunting, make noise, especially around creeks and thick vegetation. Most attacks occur by inadvertently surprising a bear at close range.
Tips for safely living in bear country
- Electric fences are the most effective deterrent to keep grizzly bears from unwanted areas.
- Dispose of livestock carcasses and afterbirth through sanitation services, inside an electrified boneyard or by distributing away from people, buildings and other livestock.
Vulnerable livestock should be secured within an electric fence when unattended by people or at night. Vulnerable livestock include young, sick or injured livestock, and small livestock such as poultry, goats, sheep, rabbits, llamas and pigs.
- Install electric fences around non-removable attractants, such as birthing grounds, sheep-bedding areas, chicken coops, bee apiaries, compost piles, gardens, fruit trees, berry bushes or corn fields.
- Properly dispose of attractants, including trash and compost.
- Securely store food, garbage, livestock feed, grain, scented products and other attractants in a bear-resistant place, such as hard-sided buildings with four walls, a roof and locking door.
- Keep pet food secured as you do your own. Bears like pet food as much as your pet does.
- Avoid filling bird feeders until wintertime.
- Do not bury or throw garbage into the nearby woods.
- Make sure to clean your grills and keep them in a building, if possible.
With spring bear hunting season well underway, hunters are encouraged to review their bear identification skills to avoid mistaken identity.
Size and color of the animal are not reliable indicators of species. It’s best to look at multiple features in order to make the right call. Grizzlies typically have short, rounded ears, a dished facial profile, a prominent shoulder hump and 2-4 inch long claws.

Lastly, here’s a reminder that it’s always a good time to freshen up your bear identification skills and your ability to know the difference between a defensive and predatory encounter by using our online resources.
Please contact your local Fish and Game office if you have any questions.