A public open house has been scheduled to discuss a proposed boat ramp project on the mainstem Snake River below McTucker Creek in Bingham County.
The open house will be held on Wednesday, April 24, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Southeast Region Idaho Fish and Game office located at 1345 Barton Road in Pocatello. Members of the public are welcome to stop by anytime during the open house.
Representatives from the Bureau of Reclamation and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game will be sharing information about the proposed project as well as taking comments and questions from the public.
Those who cannot attend the open house can learn more about the proposed project here: https://www.usbr.gov/pn/programs/ea/idaho/mctuckerboat/index.html.
Questions and comments can also be submitted by email to sra-nepa-comments@usbr.gov, or via mail addressed to:
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation – Attn: Amy Goodrich
230 Collins Rd.
Boise, ID 83702
Public comments will be accepted until midnight on May 17.
The existing McTucker Boat Ramp is located on McTucker Creek, approximately 1.2 miles upstream from the full pool footprint of American Falls Reservoir. Its degraded condition, in combination with low flow conditions, creates a barrier to feasible and safe access to the northern part of American Falls Reservoir and the 15-mile upstream reach of the Snake River during much of the year.
A new boat ramp with associated gravel road and parking area at the mainstem Snake River would reduce conflicts between wading and boating anglers, provide a safe take-out for float boaters, a safe launch for motorboats, a location for reservoir boaters to harbor in place, and would significantly reduce safety risks for search and rescue teams in the area.
The tiles at the existing boat ramp would be left in place, and the site would remain available to serve as a high-water access point and takeout point for float recreators.