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Idaho Fish and Game

Kokanee fishing on Lake Pend Oreille

Fish and Game seeks final public input on 2025-30 Fisheries Management Plan


Deadline to comment is Aug. 26.

Idaho Fish and Game is seeking public comment on its newly revised draft Idaho Fisheries Management Plan for 2025-30. The statewide plan outlines Fish and Game's management direction and is the guiding policy document for fisheries activities over the next six years. Deadline to comment is Aug. 26.

The plan sets the overall framework for managing fishing waters throughout the state. It does not include seasons and bag limits, but it does outline different management strategies, such as the primary species, the fishery type (general harvest, trophy fish management, etc.) and other factors. People can review and comment on the revised draft. 

How to comment

The document below is big, so it’s best to focus your attention on topics, waterbodies, or fish species that most interest you. Review the Table of Contents to see the major subjects. 

The plan is divided into two major parts: 

Part 1 of the plan covers statewide management of fisheries programs. Anglers with an interest in statewide topics can make comments on specific sections in Part 1 including:

  • Resident (freshwater) Fisheries Management
  • Fish Hatchery Program
  • Salmon/Steelhead Fisheries Management
  • Fisheries Research and Monitoring
  • Fishing/boating access 
  • Fish habitat program
  • Fishing tournaments and outfitting/guiding
  • Many other topics!

Part 2 of the plan describes fishery goals and objectives for individual waters. Waterbodies are grouped together within their larger drainages. Waters will list a “primary management strategy” that sets the general approach for each species. Some waters will also have “secondary management strategies” that provide further details on size or catch objectives. Anglers can provide comments on specific waters by reviewing the drainage section and the strategies for specific lakes or river including:  

  • Priority fish species for each water
  • Fishery type (general harvest, trophy fish management, etc.) 
  • Other management activities (invasive species, habitat improvement, public access)

What Happens Next: 

After the public comment period closes, Fish and Game staff will consider comments, and revise and update the draft plan. Afterward, the draft plan will be reviewed by the Fish and Game Commission and consider whether to implement it at the Nov. 7 Commission meeting in Salmon.