Hi everybody.
It is time for my weekly Chinook Salmon update (6/20/2023). All river section in the Clearwater basin and Snake River will remain open for at least another week. The fishery in the lower Salmon and Little Salmon rivers are now closed. For more details, read on.
Harvest shares using data through June 20, 2023 are provided in the table below. The Clearwater River return’s harvest share is about 3,300 adult fish (darker peach row), the Rapid River return (darker blue row) is about 1890 fish, and Hells Canyon’s (green row) is about 356 fish. You will also notice that I added the Lochsa summer run to this table which has an estimated harvest share of 61 fish. This fishery opens June 22, 2023 (this Thursday). Read below for more information on this fishery.