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Idaho Fish and Game


Access Yes! Know the rules of use before heading into the field


Many Access Yes! properties have exceptions placed on them by the landowner, which can be unique to each property.

Every year, thousands of hunters and anglers take advantage of Idaho’s Access Yes! program allowing them access to hunt and fish on privately owned land. But landowners do have the right, and ability to place exceptions or limits on what activities can occur when hunters and anglers access their private property. 

Many of these Access Yes! properties have exceptions placed on them by the landowner, which can be unique to each propertyIt is the responsibility of hunters and anglers to make sure they know if the landowner has put any restrictions or exceptions on use of their land. 

Some exceptions may limit the time of the year you are allowed access the private property. The landowner may designate how a hunter or angler can access their property, by limiting motorized travel or only allowing foot travel. 

Access Yes! can provide hunters with access to private property enrolled in the program.

These exceptions can also restrict which species are allowed to be hunted. For example, some Access Yes! properties do not allow moose hunting or wolf hunting or trapping. Always double check the restrictions and exceptions before heading out onto Access Yes! properties. 

The most up to date information on hunting restrictions and exceptions are located on our website: Guide to Search Access Yes! Properties | Idaho Hunt Planner

One tool that many hunters have found to be useful is the smart phone app, OnX.  The app allows the user to locate the Access Yes! property, and through a link, the app can provide detailed information about any restrictions or exceptions specific to the property.

What is Access Yes!

Access Yes! is a program designed to improve access to private land or to gain access to public land by hunters and anglers. Willing landowners can voluntarily enroll in Access Yes! and be compensated for allowing access. Within Fish and Game’s Magic Valley Region there are 36 Access Yes! properties that have voluntarily enrolled into the program. 

All users of Access Yes! properties must remember that access to these private properties is a privilege, not a right. It is the responsibility of every hunter and angler to act responsibly and respect private property. By abiding to the landowner's requirements will help ensure a successful Access Yes! program for the hunters and anglers today and into the future.

Respect Private Property

 While it can be considered common sense, please follow these basic principles when hunting and fishing with permission on any private property:

  • Ask for Written Permission
  • Leave Gates As You Found Them
  • Pack Out Your Trash
  • Be Courteous
  • Stay on Established Roads

For more information about Access Yes! contact the Magic Valley Regional Office at (208) 324-4359 or visit the Fish and Game website