The Lake Pend Oreille “State of the Lake” informational video is now available online. Please visit the Lake Pend Oreille Fisheries website or click the video below to watch it.

2025 Lake Pend Oreille “State of the Lake” informational video is available to watch online prior to the March 27 open house
Watch the video and then attend the open house on March 27 to ask questions and learn more about fisheries management in Lake Pend Orielle
In the video, staff from Idaho Fish and Game’s Panhandle Region share updates on the diverse and world-renowned fisheries in Lake Pend Oreille. The video provides an in-depth look at the latest population trends and research related to kokanee, rainbow trout, lake trout, walleye, pike and more.
Folks planning to attend the March 27 open house are highly encouraged to watch the informational video beforehand and then come to the open house with questions, comments or concerns. Registration is not required, so come on out and participate!
The open house is being held at the University of Idaho Sandpoint Organic Agriculture Center (10881 N Boyer Road 83864) at 6 p.m.

Fishery staff from the Panhandle enjoy getting face time with local anglers and look forward to seeing folks there. Our mission as an agency is to preserve, protect, perpetuate and manage the fish and wildlife resources of our great state, and it's always rewarding to hear directly from the people we serve, which is you. Thank you!
For more information, please visit the Lake Pend Oreille Fisheries website or contact the Panhandle Regional office at (208) 769-1414.
You can also follow the Panhandle Region Facebook page to get regular news and updates.