The work of the Non-Resident Tag Issuance Advisory Group has concluded as of December 19, 2024. For meeting minutes, please reference the list on the right hand side of this page (on PC, scroll to bottom on mobile).
The purpose of the Non-Resident Tag Issuance Advisory Group (Advisory Group) is to review current processes for how the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) issues general season deer and elk tags to nonresidents, and to develop recommendations to the Commission on potential changes and improvements.
This group will review options, including using a draw system and enhancing the current over-the-counter system. To ensure input from a range of perspectives, the Non-Resident Tag Issuance Advisory Group includes representation from the Idaho Legislature, Idaho hunters, rural economic interests, and the outfitting industry. Recognizing modifications to the existing system may require legislation or rulemaking in 2025 and/or 2026, the intent is for the Advisory Group to finalize recommendations before the end of the year.
Idaho’s non-resident hunting framework and associated outfitter tag allocation is a complex system. Additionally, non-resident hunters, both guided and unguided, play an important role in supporting Idaho’s rural economy and providing a significant portion of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game’s budget via the purchase of non-resident hunting licenses and tags. Any potential changes to the current non-resident hunting framework will need to consider impacts to all hunters, rural communities, and the agency.