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Echelon Scientific (Common) Other Names Family Tree Frogs (family Hylidae) Hylid Frogs, Hylid├⌐s, Hylid├⌐s Arboricoles, Hylids, New World Tree Frogs, Treefrogs, Hylid Frogs, Hylid Frogs And Treefrogs, Tree Frog, Hylids, New World Tree Frogs, Tree Frogs, Treefrogs, Hylid Frogs, Hylidés, Hylidés Arboricoles, Hylids, New World Tree Frogs, Treefrogs Genus Pseudacris sp. Chorus Frog, Chorus Frogs And Spring Peepers, Spring Peepers, Chorus Frogs Species Pseudacris maculata (Boreal Chorus Frog) Boreal Chorus Frog Species Pseudacris sierra (Sierran Treefrog) Sierran Treefrog, Pacific Treefrog, Pacific Chorus Frog, Northern Pacific Treefrog, Pacific Tree Frog