Species |
Ponometia candefacta (Olive-shaded Bird-dropping Moth) |
Olive-shaded Bird-dropping Moth, Noctuid Moth |
Species |
Ponometia elegantula (Arizona Bird-dropping Moth) |
Arizona Bird-dropping Moth |
Species |
Ponometia semiflava (Half-yellow Moth) |
Half-yellow Moth, Yellow-cloaked Midget, The Half-yellow |
Species |
Ponometia sutrix (A Moth) |
A Moth |
Species |
Ponometia tortricina (A Moth) |
A Moth |
Species |
Pontia beckerii (Becker's White) |
Becker's White, Great Basin White, Sagebrush White |
Species |
Pontia occidentalis (Western White) |
Western White, Western Checkered White, Checkered White Cabbageworm |
Species |
Pontia protodice (Checkered White) |
Checkered White, Southern Cabbageworm |
Species |
Pontia sisymbrii (Spring White) |
Spring White |
Species |
Pooecetes gramineus (Vesper Sparrow) |
Vesper Sparrow, Bay-Winged Bunting, Grass Finch, Grassbird, Bay-winged Finch, Grass Sparrow, Gray-bird, Ground Bird, Pasture-bird |
Species |
Populus angustifolia (Narrowleaf Cottonwood) |
Narrowleaf Cottonwood, Willow-leaved Poplar, Willow Cottonwood |
Species |
Populus balsamifera (Balsam Poplar) |
Balsam Poplar, Balm Of Gilead, Hackmatack |
Species |
Populus tremuloides (Quaking Aspen) |
Quaking Aspen, Aspen Popular, Trembling Aspen |
Species |
Populus trichocarpa (Black Cottonwood) |
Black Cottonwood, Balsam Poplar, Western Balsam Poplar |
Species |
Populus x acuminata (Hybrid) |
Hybrid, Lanceleaf Cottonwood, Waxleaf Cottonwood |