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Echelon Scientific (Common) Other Names Species Minuartia rubella (Boreal Stitchwort) Boreal Stitchwort, Beautiful Sandwort, Boreal Sandplant Species Minuartia stricta (Slender Sandwort) Slender Sandwort, Rock Sandwort, Bog Stitchwort Species Mirabilis linearis (Narrow-leaved Umbrella-wort) Narrow-leaved Umbrella-wort, Narrowleaf Umbrella-wort, Narrowleaf Four-o'clock, Plains Four-o'clock, Four O'clock, Linearleaf Four-o'clock, Narrowleaf Four O Clock, Narrowleaf Four O'clock, Spreading Four-o'clock
MacFarlane's four-o'clock (Mirabilis macfarlanei) Species Mirabilis macfarlanei (Macfarlane's Four-o'clock) Macfarlane's Four-o'clock, MacFarlane's Four O'clock, Jack Pine Species Mirabilis nyctaginea (Wild Four-o'clock) Wild Four-o'clock, Heartleaf Four O'clock, Wild Four O'Clock, Heart-leaf Four-o'clock, Heart-leaved Four O'clock, Heart-leaved Umbrella-wort, Heartleaf Four-o'clock, Prairie Four O Clock Species Mischocyttarus flavitarsis (A Yellowjacket) A Yellowjacket Species Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (Oriental Weatherfish) Oriental Weatherfish, Oriental Weatherloach (German: Ostasiatischer Schlammpeitzger), Amur Mud Loach, Amur Weatherfish, Japanese Loach, Japanese Weatherfish, Pond Loach, Weather Loach, Dojo, Dojo Loach, Golden Dojo Loach, Oriental Weatherloach Species Misopates orontium (Lesser Snapdragon) Lesser Snapdragon, Corn Snapdragon, Calf's Snout, Weasel's-snout, Lesser-snapdragon, Linear-leaved Snapdragon, Linearleaf Snapdragon, Small Snapdragon, Wild Antirrhinum Species Misumena vatia (Goldenrod Crab Spider) Goldenrod Crab Spider, Crab Spider, Flower Spider Species Mitella breweri (Feathery Bishop's-cap) Feathery Bishop's-cap, Brewer's Miterwort Species Mitella caulescens (Creeping Bishop's-cap) Creeping Bishop's-cap, Creeping Miterwort, Leafy Bishop's-cap, Slightstemmed Miterwort Species Mitella nuda (Naked Bishop's-cap) Naked Bishop's-cap, Naked Mitrewort, Creeping Bishop's-cap, Creeping Bishop's Cap, Naked Bishop's Cap, Naked Miterwort, Prostrate Bishop's-cap, Purple Groundsel Species Mitella stauropetala (Side-flower Bishop's-cap) Side-flower Bishop's-cap, Starry Miterwort, Small-flower Miterwort, Drywoods Miterwort, Side-flower Miterwort, Smallflower Miterwort Species Mitella trifida (Pacific Bishop's-cap) Pacific Bishop's-cap, Pacific Miterwort, Threeparted Miterwort Species Mniotilta varia (Black-and-white Warbler) Black-and-white Warbler, BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER, Black & White Warbler, Black And White Creeping Warbler, Black-and-white Creeper, Black-and-white Creeping Warbler, Blue-and-white Striped Creeper, Creeping Warbler, Pied Creeper, Small-billed Creeper, Striped Warbler, Varied Creeping Warbler, Whitepoll Warbler