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Idaho Fish and Game

Roadkill Salvage Dispatch Law

Law now allows the dispatch of wild animals injured from a vehicle collision.

Before July 1, 2018, it was unlawful to dispatch animals injured from wildlife-vehicle collisions. Now, dispatch of specified animals injured in a vehicle collision is lawful, so long as other ordinances are not violated.


Report Roadkill Salvage or Dispatch


Questions and Answers

What wildlife can be salvaged or dispatched?


  • Animal must have been struck by accidental vehicle collision
  • Animal must be any of big game, upland game, upland game birds, furbearers, predatory wildlife, or unprotected wildlife See full list


What are the reporting requirements?


  • Salvaged OR dispatched animals must be reported within 24-hours to Fish and Game
    • Salvage permit must be obtained within 72-hours
    • Report online or to a regional office by telephone
      • If calling after hours it's important to leave your full name, phone number, address and location of the salvage so a permit may be mailed. If self-reporting a printable permit will be generated.
    • All mandatory check requirements still apply


Do I have to dispatch injured wildlife?

A person is not mandated to conduct dispatch; this law is permissive.

What safety concerns should I consider?


  • A person considering dispatching a struck animal must follow all other laws, such as not discharging a firearm from or across a public highway, respecting trespass laws, and other general firearms statutes, transportation laws, or other provisions such as a city ordinance prohibiting discharge within city limits.
  • It is the responsibility of the person who dispatches the injured wildlife to do safely and not create an additional traffic hazard.