Young Hunters Have a Blast at Kamiah's Flying-B Ranch
It has often been said that young people are the future.
Young hunters are also the future of conservation and the hunting tradition. By introducing our youth to the joys of hunting at an early age, we can ensure the future of hunting and conservation remains strong.
Some dedicated Idahoans are doing just that.
Thanks to the generous donation from the Flying-B Ranch, National Wild Turkey Federation, and Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), 26 orange-clad young hunters were recently provided a free upland game hunting and safety clinic at the Flying-B Ranch near Kamiah.
Recently graduating from hunter education courses taught in Grangeville, Nez Perce and Riggins, the youth were selected for their outstanding behavior, class participation and positive attitude.
The Flying-B Ranch is a private hunting preserve near Kamiah that has some of the best pheasant and chukar hunting in the country. Ranch owner, Bob Burlingame, donated his entire facility, clay targets, game birds, professional staff and dogs for the day. Several IDFG conservation officers provided instruction and supervision, and the National Wild Turkey Federation provided the ammunition.
The eventful day started with a safety presentation and hunting demonstration by ranch personnel, followed by an introduction to the Flying-B's world class pointing dogs. Next, the students received detailed instruction in shotgun shooting and each practiced their shooting skills at fast flying targets at the sporting clay range.
Anxious to begin what they were promised, the youth were then divided into groups consisting of four hunters. Each hunt group was supervised by a dog handler and at least two adult mentors. Parents were also welcome to follow along as the young hunters put their knowledge and newly developed skills to practice pursuing both chukar and pheasant.
For safety reasons, only two youth hunters in the group were allowed to load their gun as their intense hunting dog pointed a hiding bird. An instructor was with each student as the bird flushed to assure a safe shot. More impressive than some of the outstanding shots the students made were the potential shots not taken because of safety issues.
"This is our sixth annual All Star Hunt at the Flying-B" said event organizer, George Fischer, IDFG District Conservation Officer. "It's a challenge, but it's priceless to see the kids face light up with their first clay target or feel the excitement when they approach a dog on point."
The clinic's overall goal was to promote a better understanding and interest in hunting and wildlife conservation that will help assure hunting's future. Principles of safe hunting and ethics were also reinforced through the close supervision provided by the adult mentors.
When youngsters are given the opportunity at one-on-one, hands-on hunting experiences and training in the field, all of the aspects of the hunting tradition including ethics, safety, and responsibility are likely to be passed on.
"There's really no better way to introduce a kid to safe, ethical and responsible aspects of hunting than with the close supervision of an adult mentor," says Fischer.
Some youth who are interested in hunting have never been around people who hunt. In fact, many kids have only experienced the great outdoors through the internet, video games or the television. Exposing youth to positive hunting experiences at an early age is a critical first step in regaining and ensuring the connection with the outdoors and with carrying on the hunting tradition.
Idaho Fish and Game offers reduced price hunting licenses and tags for both resident and nonresident youth, as well as several youth-only controlled big game hunts. Youth hunts for turkey, waterfowl and pheasants are also available prior to the general season opening day. Youth ages 10 to 15 who complete a hunter education course and purchase a hunting license and appropriate permits and tags are eligible to participate in youth hunts.
Idaho's Youth Turkey season runs from April 8 through the 14, 2012.