Wolf Control Action Planned in Lolo Zone
Idaho Fish and Game has authorized four backcountry outfitters to help reduce wolf numbers in parts of the Lolo wolf management zone.
Outfitters and their licensed guides already in the backcountry on spring black bear hunts will work with Fish and Game in a predator control action to reduce wolf numbers.
The four outfitters are authorized to kill up to five wolves each in their operating area by the end of the spring bear season June 30. The agency control action is not open to hunters.
The effort is in response to concerns that wolf numbers are preventing recovery of elk herds in the Lolo zone from a long decline. Fish and Game research has shown that predators have kept the Lolo herds in a downward trend. Fish and Game will evaluate the effectiveness of the control action as part of its ongoing Lolo elk study.
The action is in accordance with Fish and Game's wolf management plan and the predator management plan for the Lolo zone, which includes black bears, mountain lions and wolves.
The predator management plan is on the Fish and Game Website at http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/cms/wildlife/plans/loloSelwayPredPlan.pdf. The wolf management plan is at http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/cms/wildlife/wolves/manage/PopManagePlan.p….