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Idaho Fish and Game

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Wildlife Express: Geese, the waterfowl socialites taking both rural and urban locations by storm


Chances are you’ve been honked at by this month’s Wildlife Express critter

Step foot in nearly every park, plaza or parking lot and chances are you’ve spotted the subject of Wildlife Express’s February issue. Geese, the waterfowl socialites taking both rural and urban locations by storm, come in four variations across Idaho: Canada (not Canadian), snow, Ross’ and greater white-fronted.

Of these, the Canada goose is both a migrant and a year-round resident of our state. The other three species migrate through Idaho in the spring and fall as they move between their nesting and wintering habitats.

But despite their booming populations and citified habits – humans aren’t the only species honking at each other in town – geese are still wild animals that display some interesting behaviors and offer folks of all ages a chance to observe wildlife pretty much anywhere in the state.

Check out this month’s edition of Wildlife Express to learn more about geese.

Wildlife Express is an Idaho Fish and Game monthly publication about wildlife species and subjects. To read past editions, check out the Wildlife Express page online.
