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Idaho Fish and Game

Visitors Advised to be Bear Aware

During dry summers such as this, the bears' natural food supplies may be scarce, forcing them on a desperate search to find food. Improperly stored food in campgrounds or backcountry camps become all too tempting for the hungry bruins. Black bears are common in most parts of Idaho. Bears possess an extremely keen sense of smell, and can find food from great distances. Once a bear finds food near humans, it is likely to come back. The result is a dangerous situation for both the bear and for people. The U.S. Forest Service and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game are asking campers and backpackers to be extra vigilant this summer about storing their food to avoid attracting black bears. "Black bears are remarkable animals; it is always a thrill for me to see one, but their well-being requires a little effort on our part," Sawtooth National Recreation Area Ranger Sara Baldwin says. Bears are part of the landscape like mosquitoes and wildflowers, and a few simple precautions can make camping areas safe and enjoyable for bears and campers alike, she said. But when berries and other natural foods are scarce, human food becomes appealing. If it smells good to you, it smells good to a bear. Tips for around camp:
  • Keep a clean camp. Pick up garbage and store it along with all food in a closed vehicle or in plastic bags tied high between two trees, at least 100 yards from the sleeping area and at least 10 feet off the ground and 4 four feet out from either tree. Food can also be stored in an approved bear-proof food container. Never keep food in your tent.
  • Do not bury food scraps, pour out cooking grease, or leave anything that might be tasty on the ground or in the fire pit. Also, store barbecue grills or other smelly cooking gear inside your vehicle or within a sealed container. Bears have a tremendous sense of smell and they will come looking for an easy meal.
  • If you see a bear, watch it from a distance and leave it alone. Black bears are not usually aggressive, but the danger may increase if a bear loses its fear of humans.
The same cautions apply to homeowners in bear country. They can avoid most conflicts with bears if they:
  • Keep garbage in bear-proof, latchable containers.
  • Keep garbage in a closed building until the morning the garbage will be picked up.
  • Empty and remove bird feeders during the summer months. Songbirds are able to forage on food provided by nature. Bears find that bird feeders are an easy food source.
  • Clean up fruit that has fallen from fruit trees in your yard. In addition to bears, rotting fruit will attract raccoons and skunks.
  • Feed pets inside or during daylight hours; do not leave pet food or food scraps outside of your home or camp. Table scraps and pet foods make a great attractant for bears.
  • Store horse and livestock grains inside closed barns.
  • Don't compost in bear country. Decomposing organic materials will attract bears.
  • Keep barbeque grills stored in closed buildings.
Most bear complaints happen in August when bears are traveling in search of food. Black bears will eat almost anything. People living and playing in bear country just need to remember to be bear aware. For more information call the nearest local regional Fish and Game office.