The 2020 Upper Salmon River Chinook fishery opened this past Friday, June 26.
Angler effort on opening day was high with anglers spread out throughout the fishery area. Over the weekend, the majority of anglers were observed fishing downstream of the Yankee Fork Salmon River, and poor weather on Sunday resulted in a drop in angler effort. Salmon were caught each day, and an estimated 21 hatchery Chinook (16 adults and 5 jacks) were harvested between Friday and Sunday. Anglers averaged an estimated 65 hours per Chinook caught and 95 hours per Chinook kept.
Conditions on the upper Salmon River were good throughout the weekend. Currently the Salmon River downstream of the Yankee Fork is flowing at 1,740 cfs which is 75 percent of average for today's date. The river's visibility was clear, and water temperatures were in the mid to upper 50s.
As of Sunday, June 29, the Sawtooth Hatchery has trapped 15 hatchery adult Chinook salmon.
The fishery is open three days per week, Friday through Sunday, from the posted boundary at the South Butte boat ramp approximately three miles west of Clayton, ID to 100 yards downstream of the weir and trap at the Sawtooth Fish Hatchery, south of Stanley, ID.
The daily bag limit is four adipose fin clipped salmon per day, only two of which may be adults. The possession limit is twelve adipose fin clipped salmon of which no more than six may be adults, and the season limit is 10 adult Chinook salmon statewide during the 2020 salmon seasons occurring prior to August 9, 2020.