The Idaho Fish and Game Commission set the 2020-21 upland game, turkey and furbearer seasons and rules during their meeting on Jan. 23. Printed brochures will be available at license vendors and Fish and Game offices in mid-February, and online by early February. Some notable season changes for the next two years include:
- New general youth hunting opportunity in units 32 (in Payette County) and 38.
- Added units 7, 9, and 70 to list of units open to general spring turkey seasons.
- Added a new spring controlled hunt in the Salmon Region.
- Increased the number of tags for controlled hunts in the Southwest Region.
- Increased the length of the general fall turkey seasons in the Panhandle Region.
- Added units 7 and 9 to list of units open to general fall turkey seasons.
- Expanded use of Special Unit tags to all units in the Panhandle Region.
- New general fall turkey hunt outside the National Forest System boundary in units 22, 31, 32 (except Payette County), 32A.
- Increased the season length and added Unit 71 to the general fall turkey season in the Southeast Region.
- Increased the number of tags for a fall controlled hunt in the Salmon Region.Added new Landowner Permission hunts in the Southwest and Southeast regions.
- Increased the river otter personal quota from two to three statewide.
- Increased the regional river otter quota in the Panhandle from 40 to 45.
- Extended the river otter trapping season to end March 31 in the Clearwater, Southwest, Magic Valley, Southeast, Upper Snake and Salmon Regions.
- Lifted river otter trapping closures in the Clearwater, Southwest, Southeast, Upper Snake and Salmon Regions.
- Red fox season has been expanded in the Panhandle and Clearwater Regions to open Oct. 10 and Close March 31.
- New beaver trapping closure and closed areas opened in the Magic Valley Region
- Removed controlled beaver trapping units in the Southeast Region
- Expanded trapping season for beaver, mink, muskrat, and river otter to open Oct. 15 in the Southeast Region.
- New setback distances for ground sets on established trails and paved trails.