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Idaho Fish and Game

Tex Creek Wildlife Management Area Road Closures Go Into Effect Dec. 1st


Tex Creek Wildlife Management Area Road Closures Go Into Effect Dec. 1st


IDAHO FALLS - Tex Creek Wildlife Management Area (WMA) was created to protect big game winter range and year-round habitat for imperiled game birds (watch "The Last Stand" for more information,  One of the biggest stressors for wintering animals is excessive amounts of disturbance that increase animal movements and burn critical fat reserves.  

As a means to limit disturbance to animals, a majority of the roads on Tex Creek WMA have been closed December 1-April 15 annually through approval of the Bonneville County Commissioners since 1996.  

With the immediate impacts of the fire and Department feeding operations, biologists felt it was necessary to further limit motorized travel around the WMA this winter.  As approved by the Bonneville County Commissioners, all roads in the vicinity of Tex Creek WMA will be closed December 1-April 15 as long as big game is being actively fed. The roads in blue are those that have been closed annually since 1996.  The roads in red are new closures for this year.  Closure points will be on the Meadow Creek Rd. just south of the pavement/gravel transition, at the Birch Creek Rd., at the Antelope Creek Rd. on the northeastern WMA boundary, and the Bull's Fork Dugway Rd. on the south side of the WMA.

The goal of these closures is to limit public motorized travel on the WMA during a winter that will likely be critical for many animals.  The Kepp's Crossing Rd will remain open to the south and access to the National Forest roads will still be available.  

Questions can be directed to the Upper Snake Regional Office at 208-525-7290.
