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Idaho Fish and Game

Steelhead, Habitat, Nutrient Enhancement Highlight Sportsman's Breakfast

Potlatch River steelhead and habitat restoration, and Dworshak nutrient enhancement will highlight a May 8 sportsman's breakfast in Moscow. Outdoor enthusiasts are encouraged to attend the breakfast meeting at the Best Western University Inn in Moscow. Hosted by Idaho Fish and Game, the meeting will run from 8 to 9:30 a.m. in the restaurant at 1516 West Pullman Road. Fish and Game staff will present information on recent Potlatch River steelhead research discoveries and habitat restoration activities. Reports will also be given on the Dworshak Nutrient Enhancement project, local habitat improvement projects, the spring Chinook season, as well as other related activities. A $10 breakfast buffet will be offered and the coffee will be free. The meeting is open to anyone interested in wildlife and is designed to stimulate informal discussion about local wildlife issues. For more information, contact the Fish and Game Lewiston office at 208-799-5010.