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Idaho Fish and Game

Special Delivery

Computer technology meets Jack London in backcountry cyber space. Recently Greg Metz ran into a little trouble getting his trapping license. He lives at the James Ranch on the Salmon River, miles from a Fish and Game office, and the only way in or out is by jet boat. He couldn't get out because of the icy slush in the river, and he needed that license. He pleaded his case by phone to Judy Wallace at the Southwest Regional office in McCall. Modern technology gave her all the tools she needed and she was happy to help. Wallace emailed Metz an application, which he promptly filled out and printed so he could sign it. Then, using a digital camera, he took a picture of the signed application and his driver's license and e-mailed it back to Wallace in McCall. Wallace issued the license and on Tuesday gave it to Arnold Aviation, which delivers the backcountry mail. Arnold Aviation delivered the mail to the James Ranch on Wednesday - the normal delivery day. That is, the pilot dropped a mail bag out his window as he flew low over the ranch meadow. Metz emailed back his gratitude. "Thank you very much for doing this."