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Idaho Fish and Game

Snakes can be our friend

JEROME - When you hear the word snake, what comes to mind? Generally it is fear, the fear of being bitten, swallowed or strangled. Snakes living in south central Idaho shouldn't conjure up those kinds of fears. Idaho snakes make great neighbors. Small mammals like mice, voles, squirrels, and gophers make up a large part of many snakes diets. They also feed on insects, lizards, and salamanders. Snake can eat prey larger than themselves, generally swallowing it whole, thanks to their uniquely flexible jaws. Unlike lizards, serpents can be found throughout the state in variety of habitats. Although most snake species in Idaho are egg-layers, a few, like rattlesnakes, give birth to live young. In the Magic Valley there are several different snakes to view, including: common garter, western terrestrial garter, rubber boa, gopher, racer, ringneck, night, striped whipsnake and western rattlesnake. The only snake people need to show caution around is the western rattlesnake, but it also serves as a good neighbor. It feeds on mice, ground squirrels and young rabbits, but being venomous it has an aura of danger. Western rattlesnakes have a large triangular head, thin neck, thick body and a short tail ending in a rattle. Gopher snakes, because of the rattler-like pattern on their back and their aggressive displays, are sometimes mistaken for rattlesnakes. The chances of being bitten are remote if a few precautions are taken. If you are working or playing in rattlesnake country, it's good practice to wear tall, leather boots, and long, loose pants. Be smart - don't use hands to lift anything a snake could be under. Do not disturb or handle a live or recently killed rattlesnake. Although few people suffer rattlesnake bites in Idaho, bites can be painful and cause illness. Most reported bites from rattlesnakes come from people who deliberately put themselves at risk. For more information on snakes, go to