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Idaho Fish and Game

Salvage Order Issued for Little Camas Reservoir

Idaho Fish and Game on Monday issued a salvage order for the Little Camas Reservoir in Elmore County. The reservoir will likely be drained by early summer for irrigation. Because the game fish in the reservoir likely will be lost, and past efforts at salvaging fish have been futile, Fish and Game would like the public to use as many of the fish as possible. Therefore bag, possession and size limits have been removed, effective May 5, on Little Camas Reservoir through September 30. Fish may be taken by any method except firearms, explosives, chemicals or electric current. Anglers who participate in salvage-order fishing must be aware of possession laws that apply in other fisheries where bag limits are in effect. If they salvage 20 trout in Little Camas and move to another fishery where the possession or size limits differ, they may be cited for violating possession or size limits that apply at the second location.