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Idaho Fish and Game

Salmon Region Holds First Mentored Youth Deer Hunt

Conservation officers in Salmon Region, in cooperation with Eagle Valley Ranch in Bohannon Creek, organized the first mentored youth deer hunt for Salmon area children last fall. In November, several youth hunters from the Salmon area headed into the field accompanied by conservation officers in an attempt to bag a white-tailed deer on the Eagle Valley Ranch. Local hunter education instructors helped identify deserving youth to participate in the hunt by selecting children that had the desire to hunt, but because of a variety of circumstances, probably would not have the opportunity. Mike Kosler, manager of the nearly 6,000 acre ranch, suggested the youth deer hunt as a way to get young people involved in the outdoors. "The beautiful country in the Salmon area has so much to offer these young kids. Let's give them a break from televisions and video games and show them how much fun it can be to be active in the outdoors," Kosler said. In addition, several individuals and local businesses offered to assist the young hunters financially by purchasing their hunting licenses and deer tags and if successful, paying for their deer to be professionally processed. When the big day finally arrived, the participants met at the Salmon Region Fish and Game office and headed out to the ranch. Kosler welcomed the youths and showed them to the shooting range where they had the opportunity to shoot the guns they would be using. After a short tour of the ranch, a Dutch oven dinner was provided for the children and their parents at the Kosler residence. The young hunters spent the next couple of days concealed in-ground blinds trying to bag their first deer. Ian Fred was the first hunter to fill his tag, and with a big smile on his face told Officer Ryan Hilton: "If you need me to help you out with this again next year, then just give me a call, I'd be glad to!" For these youths, the great outdoors worked its magic once again by creating lasting memories and developing friendships. Both the Idaho Fish and Game and Eagle Valley Ranch considered the program a success. "I think it was a real positive experience for these young hunters and hope to provide more kids with this unique opportunity," Kosler said.