- 23 day season, two-bird daily limit, and four in possession after opening day: - Southwestern Owyhee County. - Most of the Upper Snake Region and Lemhi and part of Custer counties.
- Seven day season, one-bird daily limit, and two in possession after opening day: - Big Desert area West of Interstate 15 and south of U.S. Highway 20. - Northwestern Owyhee County. - Most of Lemhi and Custer counties. - Magic Valley Region and most of Butte County. - Power County and most of Oneida and County.
- Closed: - Eastern Owyhee County. - Southeastern part of the state, east of Interstate 15 and south of U.S. Highway 26. - Washington and Adams counties.
Sage-Grouse Season Opens
The sage-grouse hunting season in southern Idaho opens Saturday, September 19.
Sage-grouse seasons: