Fish and Game will be setting new seasons for upcoming deer, elk, pronghorn, black bear, mountain lion, and wolf hunts in March, and hunters can now see proposed season and changes and provide comments. The comment period deadline is Feb. 25. There will also be a series of virtual open house Feb. 16–25.
The easiest way for hunters to review proposals and weigh in will be visiting the big game proposals webpage at The proposals are posted by region and separated by species within each region.
The public comment process will also include virtual open houses hosted by Fish and Game’s staff for each of its regions, along with one statewide open house.
In addition to the virtual open houses, regional Fish and Game staff will also host call-in sessions to provide people without internet access an opportunity to weigh in on the proposals.
Virtual Open House Schedule
All virtual open houses will start at 6 p.m. local time. Links to each virtual meeting will are available at
Panhandle - Feb. 18
Clearwater - Feb. 24
Southwest (McCall) - Feb. 17
Southwest (Nampa) - Feb. 22
Magic Valley - Feb. 23
Southeast - Feb. 16
Upper Snake - Feb. 18
Salmon - Feb. 24
Statewide - Feb. 25
Call-in Session Schedule
All call-in sessions will take place from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., local time. Before participating in the call-in sessions, the public is encouraged to review the proposals at
Panhandle - Feb. 23
Clearwater - Feb. 17
Southwest (McCall) - Feb. 22
Southwest (Nampa) - Feb. 24
Magic Valley - Feb. 24
Southeast - Feb. 18
Upper Snake - Feb. 23
Salmon - Feb. 17
Big game seasons will be finalized by the Fish and Game Commission during its March 17-18 meeting in Nampa.