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Idaho Fish and Game

Owyhee Elk Poaching Suspects Arrested, Charged

Two Caldwell men, father and son, face five felony charges stemming from the early November poaching of two six-point bull elk in Owyhee County. A call to the Citizens Against Poaching hotline by an eyewitness set the case in motion. Vance Nelson, 53, and his son Roy, 26, both of Caldwell were arrested on felony warrants after a grand jury hearing the case indicted both men on 11 charges brought against them. Vance Nelson applied for and successfully drew one of 10 bull elk tags for the Owyhee County hunt, but his son now faces felony charges for killing both animals. Roy Nelson was charged with one felony count of taking two elk in a closed special draw area, one felony count of conspiracy and a third felony count of destruction of evidence. In addition, he faces misdemeanor charges of unlawful use of a game tag, possession of unlawfully taken game and waste of a game animal. Vance Nelson was charged with one felony count of conspiracy and a second felony count of destruction of evidence. In addition, he faces misdemeanor charges of unlawful transfer of tag, possession of unlawfully taken game and waste of a game animal. Both men await a preliminary hearing in Owyhee County later this month. Anyone with any information about suspected poaching activity are encouraged to call the Citizens against Poaching hotline at 1-800-632-5999, 24 hours a day. Callers may remain anonymous and may be eligible for cash rewards for information leading to the successful conclusion of a case.