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Idaho Fish and Game

No Salvage Planned for Richfield Canal

As the watering season draws to a close across the Magic Valley, irrigation canals and ditches will begin to be drain. Fish in these systems will be open for salvage everywhere but on the Big Wood River below Magic Reservoir Dam and the Richfield Canal. "With the amount of water we have in the Big Wood system and the cooler fall temperatures, we believe fish in the Richfield Canal will survive over winter so we are not planning to open it for salvage," said Doug Megargle, Fish and Game regional fisheries manager. "If temperatures really warm up again we will revisit our decision." Salvage on other irrigation systems will begin as water levels begin to drop. People interested in taking part in fish salvage need to have a valid Idaho fishing license. No limits apply. Harvest is allowed by any methods excluding chemicals, explosives, firearms or electricity. Most canals are privately owned and may have access restrictions. As always, ask first. For more information on fish salvages in the Magic Valley, contact Doug Megargle or Scott Stanton at 208-324-4359.