Idaho’s wildlife need your help. Idaho Conservation Officers cannot possibly cover the large areas they are assigned. Citizens can call the hotline any time of day or night and report information to an actual person.
"We simply cannot provide the expected level wildlife protection without help from citizens," Fish and Game Enforcement Bureau Chief Greg Wooten said. "Citizens Against Poaching realizes this and provides a cash incentive to those willing to ‘Make the Call’ and pass along what they saw."
If the information leads to a citation, citizens who report are eligible for a reward. CAP paid $28,900 in rewards during 2020.
“It is important to call immediately and provide as much detailed information as possible," Wooten said. "Delayed reporting and lack of detail significantly reduces the possibility of locating a violator. We hope for a license plate number. Vehicle description, person descriptions, and noting the location and time to the best of your ability are all very helpful.”
Fish and Game suggests hunters and anglers enter 800-632-5999 into their cell phones so it's always available. Citizens can also report online, and all callers and reporters can remain anonymous.