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Idaho Fish and Game

Goose Banding Efforts Focus on Boise Parks

More than 500 Canada geese may soon be sporting new hardware as part of an urban goose study conducted this month by Fish and Game in partnership with Boise Parks and Recreation. The banding project is scheduled to begin Friday, June 10, in Ann Morrison or Julia Davis Parks; banding efforts will continue the following Monday and Tuesday, June 13 and 14. After fielding dozens of goose complaint calls during the first three months of the year, Boise Parks and Recreation contacted Fish and Game, seeking solutions. Complaints focused on grazing damage to local athletic fields and the all too familiar mess left on sidewalks and open areas in Boise's parks by wintering geese. Before efforts to address the problem can go forward, the offending birds must first be identified. "It's all about determining which group of geese is responsible," Fish and Game conservation educator Evin Oneale said. "Is it resident geese, those that live in the area throughout the year, or is the damage and the mess being caused by an influx of migrant geese enjoying Boise's mild winter conditions? A clear answer to that question will help determine what steps might be necessary to deal effectively with the problem." Fish and Game staff hope to mark more than 500 adult and juvenile Canada geese in three locations, including Ann Morrison and Julia Davis Parks. After the banding effort is completed, the ratio of marked to unmarked geese will be monitored throughout the year. This ratio will help determine which of the two groups of geese is the major offender. For more information contact the Fish and Game Nampa office at 465-8465.