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Idaho Fish and Game


Gearing up for fall pheasant stocking in the Clearwater


Fall is just around the corner and that means it’s time to start preparing for pheasant season! Here in the Clearwater, Fish and Game has four locations participating in the statewide Pheasant Stocking Program. Pheasant season begins with a youth-only hunt on Oct. 1 and continues with weekly pheasant releases until mid-December. To enjoy this local hunting opportunity hunters are required to register for an access permit prior to hunting at each of the release locations and obtain a regional Upland Game Bird Permit.

The Clearwater Region has over 1,100 farm-raised male pheasants that Fish and Game staff will be releasing throughout the fall across the following four locations. Each location is unique, so before putting on your hunting gear and blaze orange please follow the links below to find more information about the properties, directions, access restrictions and area maps.

Palouse Youth-Only Area: This property is a privately-owned, youth and mentor-only area enrolled in Fish and Game’s Access Yes! Program. Please visit Palouse River Access Yes! webpage for more property information and how to sign up for access. **Note** that this property boundary has changed since last season.

Genesee Release Area: This property is a privately-owned area enrolled in Fish and Game’s Access Yes! Program. Please visit Genesee Area Access Yes! webpage for more property information and how to sign up for access. **Note** that the Genesee Release Area is a subset of the overall Genesee Area in Access Yes!

Peterson Loop Area: This property is a privately-owned area enrolled in Fish and Game’s Access Yes! Program. Please visit Peterson Loop Area Access Yes! webpage for more property information and how to sign up for access.

Craig Mountain WMA – Redbird Parcel: This property is a public accessible area owned and managed by Fish and Game. Please visit the Craig Mountain WMA webpage to view information about the WMA and visit Redbird Parcel webpage for information on how to sign up for access.

For additional questions regarding pheasant releases or the Access Yes! properties in the Clearwater Region, please contact Regional Wildlife Biologist Deborah Monzingo at (208) 750-4226 or email at