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Idaho Fish and Game

Fly Tying Class Offered

Attention fly fishermen! Your Salmon region Fish and Game will be sponsoring an introductory fly tying class beginning at 6pm on Monday, January 8th and continuing the evenings of Wednesday, January 10th, and Friday, January 12th. This class will be held at the Salmon region Fish and Game office and will be taught by master flytiers Scott Turner and Capt. Kirk Eberhard. Topics to be covered will include the use of tools, materials, nomenclature, and tying instruction. Participants will get to tie 6-7 different "must have" fly patterns including woolly buggers, nymphs, caddis, and steelhead patterns. Spaces are limited for this class so pre-registration is required. The course fee will cover all materials needed. To register or get more information, please call the Fish and Game office at 756-2271.