Fish and Game was recently notified that the Big Lost Irrigation District will be dewatering the lower Big Lost River downstream of the Beck Diversion in the Big Lost Valley over the next week. This action will result in little to no habitat available for fish in the lower Big Lost River, and it is expected that most fishes will ultimately die due to those circumstances.
To maximize the utilization of these fish, Fish and Game has enacted a fish salvage order for the many wild-origin fish that are likely to be influenced by these water management actions.
IT IS THEREBY ORDERED that bag and possession limits on the Big Lost River downstream of the Beck Diversion near Leslie, Idaho to the Moore Diversion be removed August 16, 2022 until September 15, 2022. Fish may be taken by any method except firearms, explosives, chemicals or electric current. All size and number limits are suspended. In accordance with Section 36-401, Idaho Code, a valid Idaho fishing license is required.