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Idaho Fish and Game

Fish & Game Hosts Online Chats about Licenses

Idaho Fish and Game officials fielded 182 questions from 274 participants during an online chat Wednesday, December 19. Fish and Game's licensing manager Craig Wiedmeier and enforcement chief Jon Heggen responded to a flurry of questions covering a wide range of license-related topics, including Idaho's new Mentor Hunt Program, possible future license options, disability, youth and lifetime licenses, controlled hunt questions and much more. "We know that our license holders have a lot of questions about our various licenses and options," Heggen said. "Folks definitely brought their questions, and we did our best to answer as many as we could." In addition to receiving answers to their questions and learning more about various licensing products and programs, participants responded to poll questions and provided their feedback during the hour and half chat. Based on the amount of interaction and the positive response, Fish and Game officials will use what they learned to help plan future chat events. For a replay of the chat, visit Fish and Game's home page at, and look for the licensing chat link.