Fish and Game Seeks Help in Solving Several Poachings Near Kamiah
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is investigating an alarming number of big game animals shot and left to waste along the Beaver Slide Road east of Kamiah.
Since late October, seven big game animals have been discovered along a mile and half stretch of the road. All animals were left to waste and likely shot from the road.
In late October, two whitetail does were discovered about a week apart in a field at mile post 6. No meat was taken from either animal. On November 5, officers investigated a cow elk that was shot and left in the same field. On November 6, concerned hunters reported a dead mature mule deer buck on the hill across the canyon from the Beaver Slide Road at mile post 5. The investigation found that the deer was killed from a long-range shot from the road. Mule deer hunting closed on November 3 in the area. On November 12, a small whitetail buck was discovered at mile post 6.5. Finally, two more elk were discovered left to waste in a field at mile post 5.5 on November 20.
"We've investigated poaching activity in this area in the past, but nothing to this extent," said Roger Westfall, Sr. Conservation Officer based in Kamiah. "There is no excuse for these senseless crimes - it's outrageous."
Anyone observing suspicious activity in this area or with information about these crimes is encouraged to contact the Citizens Against Poaching hotline at 1-800-632-5999. Callers can remain anonymous and will be eligible for a reward.