Fish and Game Seeks Help Solving Mule Deer Poaching Near Winchester
The Idaho Department Fish and Game is asking for help in determining who shot and wasted a mule deer buck found along Sandhill Road near Winchester.
The entire deer was left to waste, with only the head and antlers removed. Authorities say the large-bodied deer was shot the night of October 22.
"Judging by the size of the carcass, the deer likely sported a large set of antlers," said Senior Conservation Officer Jim Pagel of Nezperce. "Several other deer have been found wasted in the same area this fall, so we really need people to make the call."
Anyone observing suspicious activity in this area or with information about this crime is encouraged to contact Pagel at 208-507-1634, the Fish and Game office in Lewiston at 208-799-5010 or the Citizens Against Poaching hotline at 1-800-632-5999. Callers may remain anonymous and will be eligible for a reward.