Fish and Game Seeking Wolf Observations
Anonymous (not verified)
Scouting for upcoming hunting seasons, huckleberry picking, and general late summer recreating are all good reasons for getting away to Idaho's great outdoors. If during these forays, you see a wolf, Fish and Game staff would like to hear about it.
"We're looking for basic wolf information from folks returning from the field," Fish and Game wildlife manager Craig White said. "Where the wolf or wolves were seen, their behavior, size, coat color and any other details."
The easiest way to report sightings is to use the wolf reporting form on the Fish and Game website. The user-friendly, step-by-step form takes only a few minutes to complete and can be accessed at
Completed forms are relayed to area biologists who, in some cases, may contact the observer for more details. "Many of the reports will be valuable in confirming documented wolf activity," White said. "In other cases, a report might identify a new wolf activity area that needs further investigation."