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Idaho Fish and Game

Fish and Game to Begin Big Game Aerial Surveys in Clearwater

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game will begin big game aerial surveys in Big Game Management Units 8, 8A, and 11A starting the week of February 1st. Flights are estimated to take approximately 4 weeks to complete, depending on weather conditions. The overall goal is to assess big game population trends, and age and sex ratios. Survey results will provide information from which management decisions will be based for determining future hunting seasons. Besides finding big game animals congregated on lower elevation winter ranges, winter also bring two requirements needed to conduct accurate surveys - clear weather for good visibility and snow covering that aids in locating and identification of species. A helicopter flying low and slow over select areas of the state is the most efficient tool for gathering big game herd information. The Palouse Zone contains a larger percentage of private land than many elk management zones, so some disturbance to domestic livestock is possible. Disturbance to both domestic livestock and big game will be kept to the minimum needed to acquire accurate information, generally less than a few minutes. Contact Fish and Game's Clearwater Regional office for more information at 208)-799-5010.