- Expanding youth hunting opportunities.
- Moving upland game bird seasons to the third Saturday in September.
- Increasing the chukar/gray partridge bag limit back up to 8 each.
- Increasing possession limits to three times the daily bag limit.
- Reductions in fall turkey hunting in the Southeast and Southwest regions.
- Increasing otter quotas in the Panhandle, Clearwater and Southeast regions.
- A few changes to areas open or closed to beaver trapping in the Clearwater and Magic Valley Regions.
F&G Seeks Comments on Upland Game Seasons
Idaho Fish and Game is working on recommendations for furbearer and upland game hunting season rules, except sage-grouse, for 2012-13 and 2013-14.
Final recommendations will be presented to the Idaho Fish and Game Commission at the January 2012 meeting. All rules, except for sage-grouse, will be 1 in one brochure.
Some ideas that will be considered include: