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Idaho Fish and Game

F&G Lifts Kokanee Limits below Dworshak Reservoir

With many dead and dying kokanee that have been flushed through Dworshak Dam, the bag and possession limits will be removed for kokanee in the North Fork Clearwater River and Clearwater River downstream of the North Fork in Clearwater County, effective through May 15. While anglers can take home as many kokanee as they can carry, the fish may only be taken by rod and reel, dip net or by hand. A valid Idaho fishing license is required. It is Fish and Game's intent to allow the public to harvest these fish using techniques that will not affect ongoing fisheries. Kokanee, which are a popular target of anglers fishing at Dworshak Reservoir, tend to congregate near the dam during winter months. When mountain snowpacks are abundant and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dumps water to make room for spring runoff, the fish are susceptible to being washed downstream. At this point, the number of kokanee being flushed is not expected to have a large influence on next year's fishery. For more information regarding the lifting of the kokanee bag and possession limits, contact Fish and Game's Lewiston office 208-799-5010.