F&G Director on Western Issues Panel
Idaho Fish and Game Director Cal Groen will be among the panelists on a day-long conference on western issues at Boise State University May 1.
The history of the West - the history of Idaho - is a story of change. One hundred years ago, the challenge in the West was to tame the frontier. Today the challenge is balancing and accommodating millions of people who affect the land, water and wildlife.
The nation's two premier land managers - the director of the Bureau of Land Management and the chief of the U.S. Forest Service - will be in Boise on Saturday, May 1, as keynote speakers at a conference at the Andrus Center for Public Policy - "Life in the West: People, Land, Water and Wildlife in a Changing Economy."
Panels will focus on practical and successful approaches to collaboration that balance the growing Western economy with the traditional values that continue to make the West unique. The conference will focus on an agenda for Idaho.
Conference registration closes April 28. For information contact the Andrus Center for Public Policy at www.andruscenter.org/, 208-344-0882 or contact@andruscenter.org.