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Idaho Fish and Game

Creatures of the Night Coming to Nature Center

The Morrison Knudsen Nature Center is planning the third annual Creatures of the Night Halloween event from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, October 26 and 27. Creatures of the Night is a family friendly educational event. On guided walks through the Nature Center, visitors will learn about bats, beavers, owls, spiders, wolves, crayfish and other nocturnal critters. "It's education with a Halloween twist. Kids come out, there's no candy, it's not trick or treating and it's not scary," said Brenda Beckley of the Nature Center. "So it's perfect, for pre-school through sixth grade or any kids that like to dress up and learn about animals around Halloween - spiders, bats and wolves are not so scary." As an additional treat, visitors will be tricked into having their picture taken by infrared wildlife cameras. Later, they will see the video and meet a biologist who uses night cameras for his research. Other creature features include mask making and education stations. In the spirit of Halloween, attendees are encouraged to wear costumes. Treats will be provided - hot chocolate and popcorn served by an open fire - but no candy. Tickets are $3 each for ages 2 and up. Tickets are limited to 450 each night. Tickets are now on sale at the MK Nature Center. This event would not be possible without the help of sponsors - Albertsons, Brown Rental, Starbucks and Wild Birds Unlimited. For information contact Brenda Beckley at 208-287-2901.