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Idaho Fish and Game

Commission to Consider Fall Chinook Season

Based on a strong fall Chinook run forecast, Idaho Fish and Game will present a proposed fall Chinook fishing season to the Idaho Fish and Game Commission next week. Fishery managers propose Chinook salmon fishing seasons on parts of the Snake, Clearwater and Salmon Rivers that would open September 1. The Clearwater River, from its mouth upstream to Memorial Bridge; and the Salmon River, from its mouth upstream about three-fourths of a mile to Eye of the Needle Rapids, would be open from September 1 until further notice or October 31, whichever comes first. The Snake River, from the Washington-Idaho border to Hells Canyon Dam, would be open from September 1 until further notice or November 17, whichever comes first. Commissioners will meet July 10 and 11 at the Clarion Inn, 1399 Bench Rd. in Pocatello. A public hearing will start at 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 10, at the Clarion Inn. The commission usually holds a public hearing in conjunction with each regular meeting. Members of the public who want to address the commission on any topic having to do with Fish and Game business may do so at the public hearing. All testimony will be taken into consideration when the commission makes decisions on agenda items at the meetings. Commissioners also will hear an update on the negotiated rule-making process, required by recent changes in state law. Four proposed rules are being considered for negotiated rule-making:
  • Nonresident junior mentored tags would require the mentor to have a tag for the same species but not necessarily the same area.
  • Bear hunters would be required to complete Fish and Game's bear identification course and exam before hunting bears in units where both black bears and grizzly bears may be encountered.
  • Rules would be developed covering the use of unprocessed food for bear bait in the Upper Snake Region.
  • The existing Landowner Appreciation Program would be adjusted to resolve concerns expressed by landowners in Unit 45 about program restrictions.
Proposed language has been drafted and notices of intent for negotiated rulemaking were submitted to be 1 July 3 for the first two rules, with a public comment period of July 3 through 24; a notice of intent for the third proposal is set to be 1 in August with a public comment period from August 7 through 28. Proposed language for the fourth rule would be presented to the commission in August. No notice of intent has been 1. For information, see The commission agenda includes setting proposed seasons for mourning doves and sandhill cranes, and a sage-grouse season setting briefing. Sage-grouse lek counts this year were down from the 2012 counts - ranging from a slight decrease to as much as 40 percent in the west-central planning area. Most planning areas could support seasons similar to last year's closed or restrictive seasons. Other items on the agenda include: Consideration of legislative proposals, land acquisitions, release of bighorn sheep tags for auction and lottery, direction on animal damage control funds, nonresident deer and elk tag quotas, outfitter set-aside quotas and a waterfowl season briefing. For a complete agenda see the Fish and Game website at…. Individuals with disabilities may request meeting accommodations by contacting the Idaho Department of Fish and Game director's office at (208) 334-5159 or through the Idaho Relay Service at 1-800-377-2529 (TDD).