Elk have been present in the Clearwater River basin for millennia providing food and material for the Nez Perce, and more recently, Euro-American hunters. Elk continue to be an important source of food and recreation in the basin as well as an important component of the rural economy.
However, elk populations have fluctuated over time and biologists are trying to understand the relative contribution of the various causes of population fluctuations for the purpose of increasing elk numbers and improving their management.
The Wildlife Habitat Restoration Initiative (WHRI) is one such effort. Developed and administered by the Clearwater Basin Collaborative (CBC), the WHRI was funded and implemented by various partners including the U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Idaho Department of Fish & Game, Washington State University and National Council for Air & Stream Improvement.
The CBC and UI Extension are presenting an educational program on Clearwater Basin Elk on the evenings of March 22 and 24. This program will highlight the results of the WHRI along with presentations on the history of elk and elk management in the basin, the Idaho Fish and Game elk management plan, and how the WHRI results are being used by managers.
Presenters include;
- Jim Peek, Professor Emeritus, University of Idaho College of Natural Resources
- John and Rachel Cook, National Council for Air & Stream Improvement (NCASI)
- Michael Wisdom, U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station
- Kevin Labrum, Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests
- Zachary Swearingen and Clay Hickey, Idaho Fish and Game
Monday, March 22
6-8:30 p.m. Pacific Time (U.S. & Canada)
- History of the Clearwater Basin Elk Herd and Its Management
- Introduction to the Wildlife Habitat Restoration Initiative
- Major Research Findings of the Wildlife Habitat Restoration Initiative
Wednesday, March 24
6-8:30 p.m. Pacific Time (U.S. & Canada)
- Elk Habitat Use Analysis, Modeling and Application
- Use of the Wildlife Habitat Restoration Initiative by the Nez Perce – Clearwater National Forests
- The Idaho Elk Management Plan and its Application to the Clearwater Basin
For more information including a more detailed presentation schedule, visit the University of Idaho Clearwater County extension website: Upcoming Events - UI Extension in Clearwater County (uidaho.edu)