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Idaho Fish and Game


Archery deer and elk seasons open Aug. 30 in most parts of the state


Hunters are encouraged to check latest fire information before heading to their hunting spots

Archery hunters are taking to the field starting Aug. 30 and depending on the hunting unit or elk zone, most seasons will remain open through September. To see what areas are open for archery hunting, see the 2021 Idaho Big Game Seasons and Rules. 

Deer and elk hunters can see the what to expect for the season in the big game outlook. 

Fish and Game is also monitoring a hemorrhagic disease outbreak  among deer in the Clearwater Region and asking people to report any dead or sick deer in adjacent areas. People can see updates on the outbreak on the Clearwater Region webpage. 

Hunters are reminded Idaho is still having an active fire season, especially in the northern parts of the state, and people can get current details on the Fire Information webpage. 

Hunters needed to help F&G get samples to test for Chronic Wasting Disease

Chronic Wasting Disease is a different disease that affects deer, elk, and moose, and is a threat to Idaho’s big game animals. Chronic Wasting Disease has never been found in Idaho, and Fish and Game wants to prevent it from entering the state and ensure it has not developed in Idaho's big game herds. Fish and Game biologists would especially like help getting samples to test animals for CWD near the borders with Montana and Wyoming. 

Hunters can help increase the number of Idaho deer, elk and moose sampled for Chronic Wasting Disease by doing one of the following:

  • Collecting samples from harvested animal and dropping them off at identified Idaho Fish and Game collection locations or a Regional Office.
  • Dropping the head of harvested animal at identified Idaho Fish and Game collection locations or a Regional Office.
  • Stop at one of Fish and Game’s big game check stations during hunting season.
  • All drop off locations and check station information will be available on the Fish and Game's CWD webpage:
  • CWD sample kits can be requested directly from Fish and Game by emailing your mailing address to:

Remember to fill out your mandatory hunter report

Much of the information in the big game outlook, Hunt Planner, and other other information is derived from Mandatory Hunter Reports. Hunters who buy any big game tag are required to fill them out regardless if they harvested, or even hunted. The data is valuable to game managers and also helpful to hunters. 

Want to get the latest information about Idaho big game hunting? 

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