The Fish and Game Panhandle Region does not normally declare winter feeding emergencies because big game do not congregate in large concentrations and it is virtually impossible to use feeding as a tool in a way that is meaningful from a population standpoint, and is certainly not cost effective. The region has never established a Winter Feeding Advisory Committee as per IC 36-123. The last winter feeding operation was conducted in 2009 when fewer than 200 deer were fed at scattered sites across Boundary and Bonner counties.
Feb. 6, 2017 status report
There is currently no feeding in the Panhandle region, and none planned. F&G officials are working with landowners to resolve depredations.
The Panhandle experienced heavy snowfall the first weekend of February, followed by milder temperatures and some thawing. We have documented some individual animals in poor condition, but we have also documented more animals still in good condition. Temperatures are forecast to hit the 40s later this week, with above freezing daytime highs for the next week. Average snowpack for the Panhandle remains well below normal (between 75 and 85 percent), but low elevation snowpack has been lingering this winter.